Nottingham midfielder Nicolas Dominguez sends a clear message to Forest fans as he reveals he opted to join the…

Nottingham Forest midfielder Nicolas Dominguez recently disclosed that he was in talks with AC Milan over a potential transfer in the summer. However, he ultimately opted to join Nottingham Forest instead, shedding light on Milan’s interest in him.

During the summer, Milan closely monitored Dominguez’s situation, as there were rumors of Rade Krunic potentially moving to Fenerbahce. The Rossoneri considered the 25-year-old Argentine as a suitable replacement for Krunic, although Krunic ultimately stayed at the club.

In an interview with Gianluca Di Marzio, Dominguez was questioned about the links with Milan during the summer transfer window. He confirmed that Milan had shown interest in him and also mentioned that he had waited for them before deciding to sign with the English club.

“Yes, there was talk of Milan’s interest in the summer, and I read a bit about it. I even waited for AC Milan, but nothing materialized. I’m content with my decision to come here. Life here is somewhat different compared to Italy, but both my family and I are content here.”

“To be honest, I don’t miss Italy too much. We Argentinians are accustomed to various cultures. Nevertheless, I did think that adapting to this style of football would be more challenging.”

Rade Krunic has played a crucial role for Milan this season, and in the end, the situation worked out well for all parties. Nevertheless, given Dominguez’s age, there’s no denying that he could have been a valuable asset for Milan’s future. In the current season, Dominguez has made three appearances for his new English club, Nottingham Forest.

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